• Privacy & Recording

    At Oceanic, we place great importance on respecting the privacy of all our attendees. In order to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, we kindly request that you refrain from recording the faces of any other participants. To ensure the privacy and comfort of our community, please adhere to the following guidelines regarding recording:

    You are permitted to record:

    1. The stage and performances by the artists.
    2. The scenic views and overall ambiance of the event.
    3. The dance floor, but only from behind, ensuring that no attendees’ faces are revealed in the footage.

    In the event that we identify any recordings violating the privacy of our participants, the following measures will be taken:

    1. Your phone will be temporarily confiscated.
    2. The recorded footage will be deleted.
    3. A permanent ban from attending any future Oceanic events may be enforced.

    By following these guidelines, we can continue to foster an atmosphere where everyone feels safe and respected. If you notice anyone breaching these rules, immediately notify our staff members or visit the front entrance desk.  

  • Safe Space
    At our events, providing a safe and inclusive space for everyone is our priority. To ensure the safety of our attendees, we have implemented a background checking system, which will only collect necessary information and data for this purpose. Please comply with our system, as any information collected will be used solely for safety purposes and will not be shared with any other parties, please provide the following information when requesting tickets:
    1. First and Last name
    2. Gender
    3. First names, Last names, and gender of your group
  • Be Yourself
    Feel free to be who you are and let others be too. We do not tolerate any form of racism, sexism, any form of intimidation or harassment, and violence at our events. If we notice any similar behavior from any individual, our staff will immediately remove those individuals from the event area.
  •  Anonymity
    Anonymity is one of our key elements but be aware that we do have a professional camera crew that will shoot content at our events for marketing purposes. By attending our events, you have agreed to these terms. If you don’t want your identity to be posted online, please let us know via contacting or our phone number.
  • The event is for participants aged 21 and above. 
  • Only couples and mixed groups are allowed to participate in our events, the ratio of mixed group must be 50/50.
  • All participants must have received the COVID-19 vaccine. and event venue officials have the right not to admit people who are not vaccinated.
  • and event venue officials have the right not to admit people deemed unsuitable for the event, provided they refund the ticket price. 
  • Purchasing tickets should be only from sales points. has the right not to admit the owners of any tickets that are not purchased from official sales points to the Event area.
  • There will be no ticket sales during the event. Purchasing tickets from anyone during the event will be considered a policy violation.
  • Event bracelets are provided for all participants. Bracelets from previous events are not allowed. Removing event bracelets may result in the participant being released from the event by and event venue officials.
  • All participants are searched and checked upon entering the festival grounds.
  • The following items are banned in all events:
    1. Illegal and Illicit substances of any kind
    2. Any and all professional audio recording equipment
    3. Professional cameras and professional recording (photo, video, audio)
    4. Drones or any other remote flying device
    5. Outside food or beverage (including alcohol) of any kind
    6. Pets
    7. Skateboards, scooters, bicycles, wagons, carts, or any personal motorized vehicles
    8. Any items that could be considered as a weapon, including multi-tools and explosives of any kind
    9. Fireworks
    10. Laser pens
    11. Banners or items bearing discriminating and provocative texts or expressions
    12. Bonfire
    13. Flammable products or materials & spray cans
  • The right to use photos and videos of people participating in the event in the promotional materials belongs to Oceanic, and the participant accepts the use of this right by participating in the event. 
  • and event venue officials have the right to remove any participant who attempts to disrupt the peace or endanger the crowd’s safety and may cause injuries or damage to people and goods.
  • and event venue assume no liability for lost, misplaced, stolen, or damaged valuables or belongings. If you discover that you have left behind something of value to you, get in touch with us immediately, and we will try to assist you in locating your lost item. Lost & Found items are held for fourteen (14) days.
  • Our security team is present to make this concert experience safe and fun for everyone; kindly cooperate.
  • reserve the right to add, remove and revise these rules and regulations as they see fit.